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The interactive effects of individual differences in examining negotiation behavior and effectiveness.

Negotiation is an interpersonal decision-making process. Possible negotiation outcomes include price, salary, and trust. Previous research has examined the role of individual differences, such as personality, emotional intelligence (EQ), and cognitive intelligence (IQ) in predicting negotiation outcomes. This research has shown that a person high in either emotional or cognitive intelligence achieved higher psychological, subjective value, such as relationship satisfaction and trust in negotiations. However, the existing studies looked at the effects of these individual differences separately. In other words, the researchers have not examined the interdependent relationship of these individual differences in negotiation outcomes. It is crucial to determine this relationship to know whether the effect of one independent variable is over and above the effect of other predictor variables. This study will look at the interaction effects of personality, emotional intelligence, and cognitive intelligence in a negotiation context. We hypothesize (a) cognitive intelligence moderates the relationship between personality and emotional intelligence, and (b) emotional intelligence moderates the effect between personality and cognitive intelligence. In this study, data will be collected from university students through an online negotiation simulation conducted over Zoom and through questionnaires. The researchers will analyze the data by examining descriptive statistics, internal reliability coefficients, correlations, and hierarchical multiple regressions among the variables. Previous claims indicate that individual differences, such as CQ and EQ, are trainable. This study's findings will allow organizations to develop training that focuses on a concentrated understanding of these individual differences as they may relate to one another while predicting negotiation outcomes.