Welcome to UTSC's Medical Education Initiative Organization

The Medical Education Initiative Organization (MEIO) is dedicated to raising awareness about the science of epidemiology in the University of Toronto Scarborough and the broader community.

Our club focuses on prominent issues in public health, limitations in medicine, and education pertaining to health maintenance and disease prevention.

Every year, we direct the club’s efforts towards a health topic and charity of choice to educate, raise awareness, foster discussions within the UTSC Community. This year, we will be looking at socioeconomic conditions that influence individual and group differences in health status. 

In addition, money raised from our fundraising events will go towards True North Aid, a Canadian charity that provides practical humanitarian support to northern, indigenous and remote communities in Canada through grassroots projects.

To learn more about the club, please feel free to take a look at our presentation! 

Follow us on our social media and stay updated with upcoming club events through our LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/MEIOatUTSC