Ticehurst- Monarch Waystation

In the last decade, Monarch Butterfly populations have seen a steep decline. This species is not only culturally relevant as a symbol of beauty but also provides a key ecosystem service as a pollinator, and their extinction could greatly impact our environment. This population decline is a direct result of a loss of habitat caused by the removal of milkweed in many landscapes. Creating Monarch Waystations is an effective strategy for protecting monarch habitats by fulfilling their needs of milkweed and flowers. After speaking with local master gardeners and those experienced with Waystations, a list was created of the best native plant species to use for this garden.  

SUNY Oneonta prides itself in being a “living laboratory.” The addition of a Monarch Waystation will contribute towards a sustainable future and provide students the opportunity to engage with their environment. The purpose of this project is to educate SUNY Oneonta students on how they can help conserve the Monarch species through the creation of a Monarch Waystation on campus.