The Effectiveness of the Zones of Regulation in the Classroom

The purpose of this research study is to inform the researchers’ project on the efficacy of utilizing the Zones of Regulation (ZoR) to improve the self-regulation abilities of students with social-emotional challenges. A retrospective study was conducted utilizing the Social, Academic and Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS) forms completed by teachers in specialized classrooms with students in grade levels 4-8. These students received IEP services for behavioral, academic, or emotional challenges and were taught the ZoR through weekly occupational therapy groups. This study assessed the efficacy of the ZoR visuals and language to improve self-regulation in students with social-emotional challenges. Researchers reviewed and analyzed the SAEBRS scores from teachers in the specialized classrooms in February 2022, and then again in June 2022. The results showed support for the Zones of Regulation programming for students within grades 4-8 with social-emotional challenges in the areas of arguing, temper outbursts, disruptive behavior, and distractedness. Future research to address the ZoR as a school-wide social-emotional learning (SEL) intervention for all students across different districts can give further insight to its effectiveness across a larger, diverse population.