Water Pollution effect on Trachemys scripta elegans Distribution in North America

While the common pond turtle is not known as a keystone species, but in this study, I hypothesize that it is nonetheless an important species to observe human influence on ecosystems and resulting impacts. Specifically, in this research project, I address how water quality, in particular with relation to agricultural runoff, may alter the Trachemys scripta eleganschoice of habitat. This project will explore the distribution of Trachemys scripta elegans around the central United States and establish if there is a correlation between high population numbers and suitable water quality for common pond turtles. Data will be retrieved and analyzed from government websites, peer reviewed studies, and my primary field research conducted in 2019. Map systems such as GIS will be used to bring the data to life. This data is important to understand aquatic ecology in the U.S. Midwest, since most aquatic animals are forced to share habitats with agricultural runoff. The study will address Trachemys scripta elegans as an indicator species, as well as the links between human pollution, turtle habitat, and overall ecosystem health in Midwest waterways.