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Intro-Challenge-Reveal: A Flexible Model for Active Asynchronous Skills Instruction

In the infinite-scroll dominated world of 2020, remote instruction is here to stay. But it is not effective to simply transfer our hour-long lecture content, intended for in-person instruction, to video. Remote course content needs constantly ride a fine line to be engaging, but always challenging, and to capitalize on student-driven learning without exceeding the students’ immediate grasp. 

These principles may be adapted to any skill, process, or software training program, and to any combination of fully remote, fully in-person, or hybrid instructional modes.

Studies show that watching someone perform a task doesn't really teach students how to do it. In fact, it often gives a false sense of confidence in one's ability to perform a task. This talk will outline a proven, highly effective process that is in use at Georgia Institute of Technology to teach professional-level software certifications. Not only is this a remote teaching strategy, it's a remote teaching strategy that is more effective than many in-person teaching strategies! The talk will use content from the speaker’s introductory college-level CAM class using Fusion 360 software, as well as Canvas Network for the instructional materials. But you can apply the principles to any skill or process, including hands-on technical skills, and any classroom platform, including Blackboard, Microsoft Teams, and Google Classroom.