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Ubineer is focused on creating software that empowers institutional investors to ask and answer complicated equity analysis questions. Our products are designed to help professional discretionary investment managers gain an informational advantage over their competition. Our solution captures 10-30x the data that an incumbent captures from public filings. Additionally, we have built a software and computational layer for investment teams to query this data without the need to have advanced knowledge of computer science, statistical modelling or data science.

Currently, our clients use our offerings to automate capturing and analyses of financial data. In the near future, they will use our software to build their own in-house AI company modelling algorithms, with just a few clicks.



Andi Kerenxhi

Customer Problem

Data gathering, validation and analysis consume up to 40% of professional discretionary investment teams time. 

Product/Service Solution

Ubineer product suite helps automate the capturing and analyses of financial data for the discretionary investment industry.

Target Market 

Chief Investment Officers

Portfolio Managers

