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Ei Amplified

Ei Amplified helps schools build emotionally intelligent leaders and future innovators. We offer research and consulting through studies on emotions through artificial intelligence (Ai) and natural language processing. Ei Amplified creates custom workshops based on research results in order to share experiences and create action items to improve emotional sentiments. We also offer online student customizable programs for middle and high school students in music technology for emotional expression, research through mathematics and Ai and environmental change. 



Our management team consists of 2 co-founders Aman Sahota and Henry Fu. Aman is a recent graduate from the University of Toronto who majored in earth and environmental systems, forest biomaterials and a minor in energy and environment. Upon completing his undergraduate degree he went on to work for an engineering sustainability-focused company where he helped create a new sustainability certification that evaluated the impacts of building environments on humans. Henry is a first-year University of Toronto student that specializes in mathematics. At the age of 13 and 14, Henry had 2 startups, one of which failed and the other being successfully able to raise funds for expansion. Both Aman and Henry are looking to make real change within communities through education and data.



Students are not fully immersed within their education due to the lack of practical applications being taught within the curriculum. This disinterest can cause students to drop out, stress or not value their education. There are also many systemic discriminatory issues within the educational system which cause inequitable opportunities for students. These systematic discriminatory issues have not been solved as there is a lack of school accountability to meet directives. 


Product/Service Solution:

Our solution is to provide experiential learning experiences for both educators and students that focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, sustainability and emotional expression. Throughout this experiential learning, action items are created to address real problems within society. The action items are determined by presenting data that looks at emotions. In order to provide accountability and impact measures, data is constantly collected throughout programs. Our focus on STEAM, emotional intelligence and data is meant to create empathetic innovators that make real change within their community.


Target Market:

Public and private educational institutions for K-12.


Current Customers:

Schools within PDSB, TDSB and the private education sector in British Columbia