Go Hybrid for More Inclusive Academic Communities

Improve inclusion through improved community access

Remove Physical Access Barriers

Hybrid communities and events are an effective way for institutions to close the student experience gap for remote students.

Student watching online event
Flexible Scheduling Conference Image

More Flexible Scheduling

With hectic schedules, differing time zones, event timings may not work well for all students, hybrid communities give institutions the ability to spread out events so that all students can benefit from them

Capture Events for Future Reference

It is difficult to capture the essence of an in person event, with hybrid, you can capture key talks, and components of the event and allow them to live on indefinitely.

Conference On Demand
Online and in Person Event Screenshot

Flexibility to customize your online community to perfectly align with your in person event.

Acadiate's flexible and versatile structure means you have total control over how your hybrid community is executed.

Use your online community as a companion app for in person event attendees

Conveniently get key information or interactive experiences into the hands of your attendees

Interactive Integrations Example

Analytics picture

Get Better Data Analytics

In person events are fantastic, but they are much more difficult to collect key metrics to help you better understand engagement with your community.

Reliable Fallback for Public Health restrictions

Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. Hybrid events allow your institution to execute planned events even if access to the physical space are unexpectedly closed.

Person putting up a closed sign